Monday, February 19, 2018

Phineas and Ferb - Happy Birthday, Isabella

Well, as you can tell from the title card and the house of Phineas and Ferb's, that's right, today's my Birthday! I am 22 years old as of right now, and I'm going to review Happy Birthday, Isabella, an episode from the fourth season. I will review Hail to the Chief, and a few other projects later. But right now, let's get to the birthday review immediately.

It's Isabella's birthday, and Phineas and the gang celebrate it in a big way, complete with a giant cake and piñatas. To Isabella however, all she really wants is to be alone with Phineas, but she keeps missing by a second. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz installs his Bugs Me-Inator onto an evil bug bus and drives around Danville turning all the things that bug him literally into bugs, and Stacy unwittingly sees this and even finds out Perry's agent secret. And once again, Candace tries to bust the boys, but it never works. Two words for Candace, "Give up!" P.S., I still am not fond of Doofenschmirtz, I mean, I have nothing against a platypus being a spy agent, but that Heinz is so stupid!

After watching a few episodes that feature Isabella, I have made an interesting discovery, she has feelings for Phineas. If I didn't know better, I'd say she has a crush on him! I never knew that until now. I can relate to her in this episode because all she wants to do is spend time with Phineas. Also, here comes another question, if Stacy noticed that Perry was a spy agent, how come Phineas and Ferb never seem him as a secret agent? Was it because they're too occupied with their time and summer plans to even notice? Oh, well, I guess we'll never know. All I know is Phineas and Ferb have never met Doofenschmirtz, which I wish the series made them do that.

So, my opinions are this episode are pretty okay. I kind of like the episode being a birthday episode for once, and I kind of like how her wish was to spend time with Phineas, and spoiler alert, m the end, Isabella does get her wish. It's funny, interesting, has birthday related stuff in it, and has a nice song, simply known as "Isabella's Birthday Song," or as I like to call it, "Isabella's Wish."

All in all, you have to watch the episode for yourself and try, and I dare you to TRY to prove to me that Isabella doesn't have a crush on Phineas.


  1. Thanks for reviewing this episode. Did you realize Candace has also had an earlier episode 3 seasons before this one where she also got to see Agent P fighting Dr. Doofenshmirtz? Also, since Dr. D gave up evil in Last Day of Summer, I will fulfill your demand for Candace to give up on busting her brothers in a new finale I am writing. It's a sequel to Last Day of Summer that takes place through the first week of school. This does a lot with the Phinabella, Canderry, and Stacerry shippings. I'll just leave it at that.

  2. I was honestly overjoyed at someone from Phineas and Ferb's life discovering Agent P because that would prove to me that Agent P isn't an entirely different series from Phineas and Ferb and it would feel less like that. However, Stacy wasn't the first character from Perry's agent life to discover him with Dr. D. Candace was first. I thought it was awesome that they could live their lives the same way afterwards and Perry trusted them to keep his 2-legged identity a secret from the rest of his host family and neighbors of them.

  3. Estuvo bien el capitulo pero lo malo no se sabe lo que paso con phineas e isabella si se iban a enamorar o que hiban hacer los dos juntos despues del helado
