Sunday, December 10, 2017

Animaniacs - "Cookies for Einstein"

It's time to review an episode form those zany to the max, Warner Brothers and Sister, the Animaniacs! Let's take a look at the first half of the second episode, not counting "Yakko's World," "Cookies for Einstein." Fun fact: This is Paul Rugg's favorite episode.

It takes place in Bern, Switzerland, 1905, home of clocks, chocolate, and neutrality, but mostly chocolate, says Frank Welker. We see Yakko, Wakko, and Dot walking down the streets of Bern singing a little ditty as cookie scout salesman, Wakko goes even so far as to yodel, and says to the camera, "Sorry, it's the chocolate soaking." After selling numerous cookies, they arrive at one more stop, Albert Einstein's path. Once they sell their final box of cookies, they can get their merit badges. Inside, Albert Einstein is trying his very best to figure out the theory of relativity, when all of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. Because of Albert's Switzerland accent, the Warners think he is a dermatologist. Einstein wonders why they're here, and Dot replies that they're trying to sell cookies, and says to the camera, "Dumber than advertised." Albert refuses to buy any cookies at the moment because he's too busy working on the wonders of the universe and demands the Warners to run away and slams the door, which leads to this cute scene.

The background turns black and a spotlight is hit on Dot, and she mellows out "Oh! Oh! My heart aches with the sorrow of a thousand scouts! No merit badge. I mourn my loss," and she cries. Once the background brightens up again, Yakko compliments that those acting classes really paid off, and reassures the other Warners that they'll sell Albert the cookies whether he likes it or not! Like try dying, or at least to some tie dying. Meanwhile, Albert Einstein meassures the speed of light and discovers that was quick. When, yet again, The Warners interfere.

They've tried everything. It wasn't until Yakko decides to spell Acme backwards, which results in Albert Einstein finding out the theory of relativeity, resulting that E equals MC squared! and declares the Warners as geniuses and cries out to the heavens "E EQUALS MC SQUARED!" Moments later, the Nobel prize was given to Albert Einstein and the Warners for their hard work and cookies. Yakko states that it's no merit badge, but it will do. And the episode ends.

The episode is my favorite episode of the first season, the main reason is because this was the first episode I've seen as a kid. And when I grew up, I've forgotten all about it, but when I looked up on this one day and after watching The Nostalgia Critic's Animaiacs Tribute/Behind the Scenes video, I know remember where the screenshot in my head of Dot in the spotlight came from. The bottom line is that this episode is exciting, visually interesting, and funny, complete with a Swiss Nurse Miss selling hot chocolate. This episode is amazing and it's only the second episode in the series. If you're a die hard Animaniacs fan, go ahead and check this episode out if you haven't already. This is Veston Bruno signing off.

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