Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Magic Trixie Review

No, I don't mean the Great and Powerful Trixie from MLP: Friendship is Magic, but that was a good guess. No, I'm talking about this 1998 short from Oh Yeah! Cartoons. The plot of this story is that a young girl while trying to practice magic, she comes across Migmar Magma, voiced by Bob Joles, and eventually, she outshines him like a real magician would.

This is a pretty interesting short. It doesn't have much dialogue,minus Migmar's lines, but, this short taught me that it didn't need a lot of talking to make it look interesting, it just had to be VISUALLY interesting, it felt like a short from the Disney films Fantasia and Fantasia 2000. I like the clerk, who was voiced by Gregg Berger, who has a deadpanned sounding voice in his system, but the highlight of the short has to go with Migmar Magma, now, he is one magical bad guy, he will stop at nothing to be better than Trixie, but, since it's a magic-related short, fat chance.

This short was a stroke a genius. It was visually interesting, it had humor, it had minimal dialogue, but it didn't bother me much, all it taught me was that sometimes, silence is golden, Samurai Jack and a few Nelvana shows have done that as well, it also taught us that magic doesn't come from a store, but from the heart, all you need is some natural talent, and Trixie had to learn that the hard way. If you haven't seen or heard of this short yet, check it out, in my opinion, it's six minutes of talent you won't soon be forgetting.

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