Thursday, December 7, 2017

The Fairly OddParents - "Power Mad!"

Here's my favorite episode from The Fairly OddParents, and the weird thing is that it was also part of the first episode of the series, not counting the pilots from Oh Yeah! Cartoons. In this episode, Timmy wishes for a video game that's challenging, a game that you can't wish yourself out of! Heck, even Timmy's best friends, Chester and AJ get in onto the game, literally. But this becomes a bad thing because Timmy notices that the video game sucks up a lot of energy that if Vicky used the TV and all those other electricity related stuff, she would blow the power. So, it's up to Timmy to save Chester and AJ and help them win the game before it's too late. Meanwhile, hilarity ensues when Cosmo and Wanda act out TV shows to distract Vicky, obviously Cosmo's idea.

What I like about this episode is that it's fun! It satires video games and television. I especially like the CGI in the episode's video game, which was improvised by Invader Zim animator, John Sore. It comes as no surprise that Invader Zim premiered the exact same day this episode did. March 30, 2001. I like the part where Cosmo and Wanda do a parody of I Love Lucy, with Cosmo doing the "Lucy, you've got some 'splaining to do!" joke, much to Wanda's chagrin.

Also, this episode marks the first time that Chester and AJ are referred to by name after a minor role in the previous episode, "The Big Problem!' Also, according to Wanda's diary, the day Timmy wished for the video game was Wednesday, March 22nd, isn't that ironic? The exact same month the show premiered! Also, I like how Chester survives most of the dangers in the levels with only three lives. However, this gets all screwed up when AJ just pushes Chester off the platform on the Classroom of Doom level. There was computer mini-game on the Nickelodeon website called "Power Surge," and believe me, I've tried to go through that game, but I've never made it through a single level! What am I? Four? But the highlight of the episode is the battle with...


I highly recommend this episode to anyone whose ever watched the Fairly OddParents since the very beginning. Just don't play the game version of the episode, it's too difficult.

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