Sunday, December 10, 2017

Hey Arnold! - "Olga Gets Engaged"

"Olga Gets Engaged" was the second episode to feature Helga's older and midriff-baring sister. And as much as I like her character, I'm not sure what to feel about this episode. Anyways, it was written by the voice of Arnold's Mom herself, Antoinette Stella.

At school, Helga's friends Rhonda and Phoebe are excited about another one of Olga's visits, and Helga sarcastically just looks forward to it. She has mixed feelings on her bib sister. Sometimes, she might like her, but most of the time, she does not.. Helga always gets annoyed whenever Olga visits from college.

Olga comes to the Pataki residence and explains the big news, she decides to drop out of college because she met a man named Doug/ Bob and Miriam are shocked by this bit of news, but Helga is quite thrilled, thinking this might be Olga's fall from grace and wonders when they'll meet Doug.

At dinner, the Patakis meet Doug, who swoons over Olga, and Helga wonders how long have they've known each other. Bob and Miriam are against the idea that they're rushing into marriage.

While Bob says to Doug that he doesn't adjust, but Helga sympathies with Olga saying that it's not fair for Olga between Doug and them.

This reduces Olga to tears because, well, she suffers from perfectionism, and she's just so miserable, and runs into her room crying. I think it's time for me to talk about her crying, sometimes, whenever she cries, some black make-up falls down her eyes, she's not even wearing mascara, how is it even running?! Oh, well, no matter. Doug runs after Olga, and Helga says "If I played by cards straight, I could get rid of Olga for good." with a devilish smile on her face.

Up in Olga's room, Helga demands her to snap out of it, but Olga's so upset that she can't. Helga auggests that she and Doug run away and get married, Olga rejects to this considering she couldn't elope, and mom and dad would be furious. Helga knows that would be awful, but it's worse than thinking about life without Doug. Ultimately, Olga does give in, and Helga tells her to start packing and Helga will sneak the ladder out the window, and that she and Doug will be married in no time. Olga doesn't know how to thank her and thinks they're really bonding as wo sisters. As Helga closes the door, she says to herself, "Oh boy!"

As Helga gets out the later, she witnesses Doug telling ridiculous lies to Bob and Miriam, which ultimately results into them changing their minds. Helga was confused at first, saying, "What is going on, he hated him a while ago."

Helga comes back into Olga's room, saying to cancel running away, because there's been a change of plans, Doug won him over. Olga rejoices and says "Oh, I knew it, I'd just knew they'd love him." as she hugs herself with joy.

The next day, Helga explains her problems to Arnold about Olga dating a complete liar. Arnold suggests that if your sister or brothers are in trouble, you should help them, but Helga just rejects that thought, and, as usual, Arnold just tells her, forget he said what he had to say.

At dinner, as Doug and Olga are re-enacting a portion of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Helga fantasizes about what would happen if they actually got married, living in a run down apartment with Doug lying about doing great things while Olga is miserable, Helga laughs at her little fantasy.

On the day of the wedding, Olga can't tell how much she's lucky to have a sister like Helga. and from that point on, Helga decides she just can't go through with her plan.

Helga catches Doug red-handed calling his own girlfriend, and Helga does what Arnold told her to do earlier, help out a sibling in need. She demands that Doug should leave or she'll expose him for the phony liar that he is, even going so far as to threatening to push the redial button to tell her girlfriend about his lies and cheating. Upon hearing this, Doug leaves and exits the door!

With Doug gone and out of the way, to make sure Olga knows about his disappearance, Helga writes a note that says it was from Doug. Olga is touched by everything that the note says, she cries, once again, with mascara falling down her face without having any one whatsoever. And Helga just tells her "You crybaby!" And the episode just ends.

I don't get it.

Honestly, I don't think the episode was good or terrible, just weak. But, if YOU are a fan of Helga or Hey Arnold! Go ahead and watch the episode if you choose to, I have nothing against that, okay?

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