Friday, December 8, 2017

ChalkZone - "Chalk Rain"

Has anyone heard of ChalkZone? I have, well, here's an episode of the series that only aired on Oh Yeah! Cartoons, "Chalk Rain."

The plot of the story is that during the annual ChalkZone Snap-a-Thon, Chalk Rain comes into town, chalk rain is what happens when the rain of the outside world melts away a chalk drawing from the road, Most drawings are small and they only last a minute, but this one is a very big chalk drawing! It transforms into a dragon like monster simply known as ChalkZilla! Snap and Rudy Tabootie try their best to stop this monster, but to no avail. So, what to do, Rudy goes back to the real world o find his creator. And it turns out that it was a Chinese artist who drew the dragon, he was originally suppose to be the flying dragon of the sky, but the rain wash him away before she had a chance to draw his wings. So, Rudy talks the artist to ChalkZone to help calm down ChalkZilla, and Rudy draws the wings onto ChalkZilla, resulting him into the calmest dragon in all of ChalkZone, creating a chalk rainbow.

Several clips from this episode do appear in the Season 1-2 intro, but the episode never appeared in the first season. I often wondered why? Did it have something to do with 9/11? I'm not sure. The highlight is of course the monster terrorizing the city, and not only that, but the artist voiced by none other than the voice of Mulan herself, Ming-Na Wen. Isn't that ironic. Ming-Na Wen voicing two people from China. And don't even get me started on the upcoming live-action rehash of the movie. Anyways, the episode is pretty interesting, it has a good plot, an awesome character design for the monster, and a nice showing of cooperation. And now, here's my parody song of Trogdor.

"CHALKZILLA! CHALKZILLA! ChalkZilla was a man, I mean, he was a dragon-man. Or, maybe he was just a dragon, but he was still CHALKZILLA! CHALKZILLA! Burninating the country side, burninating the citizens, burninating all the people and if thatch-roof COTTAGES! THATCH -ROOF COTTAGES! And the ChalkZilla comes in the NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Oh, oh yeah.

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