Friday, January 5, 2018

Hey Arnold! - "Olga Comes Home"

I don't usually watch the first season episodes because, the animation's not as good as the episodes that Sae Rom animated a season later. But, this is a good episode I liked from the first season. Here, let me give you the basic plot.

The episode centers around Helga who has to deal with her big sister, Olga, who's coming home from college to spend spring break with the other Pataki's. Helga gets so jealous, when suddenly, the doorbell rings, mail comes on, and it turns out to be Olga's grades from the college she attends. And Helga discovers that Olga as usual, has gotten straight A's in all of her classes. So, with an evil smirk on her face, she decides to change one of the grades to a B+! When Olga sees the B+, she goes into a deep, deep depression, much to the chagrin of Bob and Miriam, but to the delight of Helga. Will Helga admit her faults? Fat chance.

What I like is how they handle Olga's depression in this episode. You see, unlike "The End of Silliness," at least Olga's depression here isn't trying to make light of the actual mental illness, and is instead more depression in the way of something really bad happen to him and he feels sad about it It's portrayed way better than in that VeggieTales episode I mentioned. It's funny too, I like Helga's William Shakespeare bit she does when she decides on whether or not to change Olga's grades. I also likes Big Bob's efforts to get Olga to snap out of it, leading up to, "BUT THESE ARE THIRD ROW CENTER SEATS, OLGA!"

So, what's the final verdict? The episode is quite good actually. For a first season and the only one that was not done by Sae Rom Animation, it manages to tell a story quite good. I still had to question Helga's character design during the first season, she looks a little bit too much like a monkey. I wouldn't be surprised. It was written by the same person who wrote "Monkey Business" a couple of months later in 1997.

The moral here is that sisters will always keep secrets even if what the other did was wrong and dumb.

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