Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Fairly OddParents - "Birthday Wish!"

Here's another favorite episode from Season 5, "Birthday Wish!" starring Vicky's little sister, Tootie. This is the second Birthday episode I'm reviewing, so let's uh, let's begin.

The story is that Timmy Turner feels bad for Tootie because her birthdays are always ruined by her older sister, Vicky. She wants a party where everyone wasn't too scared of her to come. Feeling bad for the child who's been abused by Vicky, he lends his fairies, Cosmo and Wanda to Tootie for the rest of her birthday, and to make up for all the birthday's he's been ignoring from the delivery man. And, amazingly enough, the party is everything that she ever wanted. It isn't until Denzel Crocker comes into the picture and discovers there was real butter creme icing on the giant birthday cake. And, as usual, Mr. Crocker goes for another evil scheme to prove to the world that Timmy (technically Tootie) has fairies.

The thing that surprised me about this episode was that I thought this would be more about Vicky than Tootie, but boy they proved me wrong. It focuses more on Tootie and her birthday wish, Vicky even gets thrown out of the window to give Denzel the villain spotlight. That, and Timmy was really generous to lend his fairies until 9:00 which is her bedtime. I also like Chester and AJ's minor appearances, as well as Chet Ubetcha reporting on Tootie's birthday. With all the presents, on the cake or anywhere in between, you never know who's going to show up. But don't worry, we're giving you enough Mr. Crocker to go around.

The bottom line is that I too felt bad for Tootie in this episode, especially since nobody ever came to her party due to them having Vicky in them.

I even like all the jokes here, like Cosmo saying "Go for the coma!" And of course, we couldn't forget Crocker's "FAIRY GOD PARENTS!" chant.

I even like how they made Denzel Crocker interact with Tootie for a change instead of Vicky.

If you like birthdays as much as I do, please, at least check this one episode out. It really is worth your time.

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