Monday, January 22, 2018

Time Squad - "Eli Whitney's Flesh-Eating Mistake"

For my last review for now until sometime this weekend, it's marvelous, it's magnetic, it's magical, it's magno hydro dynamic! Huh? It's Time Squad, created by Dave Wasson. The series premiered during Cartoon Network's "Cartoon Cartoon Fridays" block on June 8, 2001, it is also the final Cartoon Network original series to premiere during Betty Cohen's tenure, as she later resigned due to creative disagreements with Jamie Kellner, then-head of Turner Broadcasting System. But we're not here to talk about the founder's departure, we're here to review the first episode of the show. Let's begin.

In this episode, while trying to find Eli Whitney, the guy who invented the cotton gin, Buck Tuddrussel and Larry 3000, voiced by Luke Skywalker and The Joker himself, Mark Hamill, find themselves in the future, where they meet up with a young kid named Otto Osworth, voiced by Pamela Segall, known more famously for doing the voice of Pajama Sam. Before they could go find Eli Whitney, Buck and Larry break Otto free of his abusive and brutal life at the orphanage where the old nun doesn't like reading. Huh? Anyways, with his impressive historical knowledge  They travel back in time to stop Eli Whitney's flesh eating monsters.

This cartoon is awesome, but, it isn't without its flaws. The only thing I didn't like is that orphanage nun, who was voiced by Dee Dee Rescher. I have nothing against the actress who voiced Peltra, but that's not the problem, the issue is that the nun doesn't like reading, what kind of orphanage nun doesn't like reading?! That's like saying, you're prejudice against Cartoon Network's classic cartoons. But either way, she only appears once in this series, and is likely she never appeared again on the show, good riddance if you ask me. The animation is great, the acting is great, the plot is great, and it's just so futuristic. Tell Squidward to do his future reaction if you could, please?

The show only ran for two seasons from 2001 to 2003, and it was obsolete from Cartoon Network! Why? I mean unlike Sheep in the Big City and Mike Lu and Og which they only ran for two seasons because they were the less-liked Cartoon Cartoons, this one has a whole lot to be desired./Creator Dave Wasson described the series as "a C-student's guide to history" I give the people at Cartoon Network for trying to do something educational while and at the same time doing the usual comedic performances.

Time Squad was probably one of Cartoon Network's finest, even if it did run for two seasons. I even liked it when the premiere was hosted by Ed and Eddy on Cartoon Cartoon Fridays. If you want to see the Cartoon Cartoon Fridays segments that introduce the premiere, here's the link, ladies and gentlemen.

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