Saturday, January 13, 2018

Johnny Bravo - "Johnny's Guardian Angel"

Want a funny version of It's a Wonderful Life starring Jimmy Stewart? Want a person to mistake cement as Hollywood paint? Well then, this episode is for you! "Johnny's Guardian Angel."

Johnny Bravo causes a few accidents like breaking Carl's homemade computer, destroying Mama's little garden, and letting go of Little Suzy's balloon by mistake. This goes so far that Johnny Bravo wishes he were never born. Then, his guardian angel named Maurice, rises from the sky, and takes Johnny into a world in which he was never born, where Carl is rich, Pops' place hasn't changed much, and Johnny Bravo's mother is acting like a spy, but Little Suzy hasn't changed at all. And, spoiler alert, Johnny Bravo wishes he had his life back, and the episodes ends with him getting stuck in the cement, again.

I like the comedy in this episode, like for example, when Johnny accidentally knocks down Carl's homemade computer, Carl calls Johnny a big clumsy brainless insensitive oaf, which sadly is kind of true, but then, Johnny quickly lets go of his anger asking, I'm still your best friend though, right? Someone's having mood swings. Why he bothered being angry at Johnny in the first place, I honestly have no idea. I even like how Carl acts very rich in the alternate universe, and Carl has pretty cool shades, almost as cool as Johnny Bravo's shades. Also, Pops kicking out Johnny from his diner in that universe was really uncalled for.

So, bottom line, unlike the Fairly OddParents episode, "It's a Wishful Life," this episode manages to get everything right. It's a good satire, it's got a cool alternate universe, and it's also very funny, something that "It's a Wishful Life" failed to do.

Overall, most of Johnny Bravo's second season is pretty good, with the exception of Buffoon Lagoon, and no, I won't review this episode, never!

The characters reacted according to their characters, and even Johnny Bravo's lines are pretty funny.
This is a must watch episode.

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