Wednesday, January 31, 2018

SpongeBob - "Home Sweet Pineapple"

Home sweet home, the old saying, or how about Home Sweet Pineapple, a better saying according to SpongeBob. Yep, "Home Sweet Pineapple" is the next SpongeBob episode I'm reviewing, folks. Let's not waste any time, let's begin.

The episode begins with a herd of nematodes messing around and eating anything and everything they would want, usually as said by their leader. And when they get thirsty, they bring out bendy straws and suck out all the juice form a how that's made out of a fruit. And unfortunately, SpongeBob's house has to be the one they choose. Once SpongeBob's house disappears completely, SpongeBob decides he should just move back with her parents, but his friends suggest they sleep with him. Will he stay in Bikini Bottom? Stay tuned to find out.

I have a lot of mixed feelings towards this episode. I mean, Squidward is just too happy for SpongeBob's house to be drunken off the face of the earth. I mean, if nematodes drank down on his house, would he never mind this? Oh, heavens no! He would just be disappointed as SpongeBob was. Squidward, just have some sympathy for crying out loud. And another thing, SpongeBob's only choice is moving back with his mom and dad? I mean come on, you guys could've made him think of other places other than Squidward or Patrick's. Like how about Sandy's or any other citizen of Bikini Bottom. Whether they were originally going for that or not, I'll never know.

Okay, all nitpicking aside, this episode has a lot of laughs despite those problems I mentioned. For example, Fred's boatmobile getting eaten and he says "Oh, dang nematodes!" And Squidward's dead-pan reaction when SpongeBob yells "Oh, no!" on the phone, Patrick falling down from his sleeping position, Patrick giving a reaction to SpongeBob's house gone, the building montage, and of course, Patrick being afraid of spiders and constantly smashing his rock onto SpongeBob accidentally in a comedic fashion. I even like how karma comes to Squidward for not being sympathetic on SpongeBob when the house lands onto him, he deserved it, folks. All in all, this is pretty much an okay episode.

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