Friday, January 12, 2018

Phineas and Ferb - "Happy New Year"

Even though it's already the second week of January 2018, I'd figured I should still review the New Year's Eve episode of the ever popular Disney cartoon, Phineas and Ferb. So, without acquaintances be forgotten, let's begin.

It's New Year's Eve, and everyone's getting ready for the Big Bash. Phineas and Ferb put up their annual New Year's Eve Ball into Outer Space outside Isabella's backyard, and Candace is going to a New Year's Party with Jeremy and Stacy. However, there's a problem. Candace can't stop thinking about Phineas and Ferb doing those sneaky things which Candace fails to show her parents, when she goes to the bathroom to pull herself together, she sees someone eating a sandwich despite announcing their New Year's Resolution, and Candace decides maybe it's not too late to bust Phineas and Ferb. So, she leaves the party to investigate. Will she finally bust the duo? Fat chance!

Over on the Perry and Doofenshmirtz side of things, Doofenshmirtz decides to brain wash everybody at midnight into making him to his orders, comes as no biggie that his plan does indeed backfire. And he does have a heart, an evil one that is, and he does wish Perry a Happy New Year near the ending. You know, if these Perry and Doofenshmirtz plots were never on the show, I would've been fine with that, but that's just me. I kind of like Doofenshmirtz's robot though.

This episode is visually interesting, it's not laugh out loud funny, but it's got great visuals. It kind of reminds me of the Sesame Street New Year's Eve Special if you ask me. Except, in that special we only see the kids side of the party, but here, we see both sides, both adult and kid alike. I kind of like the looks of that giant ball, it looks an awful lot like that giant Disco ball from the Powerpuff Girls episode, "Boogie Frights." You did see my review of that one, didn't you? I especially love the ending song, simply knwn as "Happy New Year" as sung by Olivia Olson, yes, the actress who voiced Bliss in The Power of Four, but I'll review that one of that rehash some other time. And Ferb's line in this was and I quote "Auld Lang Syne" literally means "old long ago," but I'd rather think of New Year's as an unspoiled universe.: I also like the fireworks at the end and even the romance that Jeremy and Candace have, even Jeremy likes Candace the way she is, being her girl who tries to tell on her brothers self. The fireworks are something that was really missing from the Sesame Street New Year's special. So, If I had to choose between those two specials, I'd pick this one. Did I forget to mention that John Viener, who worked on Family Guy, voiced Norm the Robot?

So, in the words of Cookie Monster, "THE END! Me love credits!"

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