Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Rugrats - "Hiccups"

Now let's review the season five episode, "Hiccups," which was written by Bill Braunstein. I looked him up and he also worked on Aaahh!!! Real Monsters and Pinky and the Brain. But we're not here to talk about his writing, we're here to review cartoons! Let's go!

After eating some popcorn that Stu dropped, Tommy gets a pretty bad case of the hiccups. Angelica tries scaring Tommy to get rid of his hiccups, but he doesn't scare easily. Good for him, but not good for Chuckie.

Will Angelica, Phil, and Lil scare away Tommy's hiccups? Or will Tommy be sacrificed to the Hiccup gods?

Well, I'm not telling! (raspberry noise) Because you've got to watch and see for yourself!

This episode is pretty funny. With Angelica appearing, you'd think I would hate this episode. Well, nope! She acts in character, and she even lets Phil and Lil in on her curing hiccups game. The problem is the only grown-up who appeared in this episode, doesn't do a whole lot of screen-time. He only appears at the very beginning getting rid of the spider Angelica sees when she was trying to get her cookies. You would think that Stu would hear Tommy's hiccups and try to help him cure them. But nope, he just disappears the rest of the episode! What a waste of a Jack Riley character appearance.

In the end, all nitpicking aside, it doesn't matter if Stu didn't appear in this episode that much, because it's focused on Tommy and Angelica. And in the end, the guilty got what was coming to her, by having her get the hiccups as seen in this picture here. And here's a not-so-fun fact for ya. There is no medically known cure for hiccups. That is ENTIRELY untrue. There are several remedies. For example, drink some water, hold your breath, or for that matter, drink the water upside down. Believe me, I've had the hiccups once in a while. Besides, hiccups are no biggie, it's just an air bubble that has landed into your air lungs.

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